
Product Description


We are a prime company, offering an excellent assortment of Stainless Steel Studs that is manufactured using premium quality stainless steel and modern technology at vendors’ end. Washer, offered by us is very much praised among our clients for its high durability. Knowing after several needs of clients, we offer this washer in different sizes and grades. Clients can buy this washer at nominal prices.


  • Dimensional accuracy
  • Rust resistance
  • Easy installation

Full Thread Stud:

  • Size: 5 MM to 32 MM
  • Material: MS, SS, Aluminium and Brass
  • Thread: As per buyer requirement
  • Product Category: Industrial Stud

Half Thread Stud:
  • Size: 5 MM to 32 MM
  • Material: MS, SS, Aluminium and Brass
  • Thread: As per buyer requirement
  • Product Category: Industrial Stud


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